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The first reason? I am awesome at it. Yep, that sounds completely conceited, but it's about groceries, so hopefully it doesn't really offend anyone. In my 5-plus years of flatting, we've always shared food and operated a system of write-it-on-the-list-and-it-shall-appear. As the head tenant and rent collector I learnt quickly that if you sent just anyone out to do the groceries, there were all sorts of possible outcomes, including $200 being spent and nothing from the list making it into the trolley.
A few of us that had lived together the longest often took turns shopping but at some point or another (I think it was after Squish left me for a loved up life of Lobster) I became the only one with a car and it seemed to stick as my job. I became a master at getting more for less, to get everything on the list with the limited budget we had. Now, Courts and his sister would happily do them too, and Courts sometimes does when I'm tied to my nail desk. He's actually better at them than me because he sticks exactly to the list. Nats doesn't drive so it's a bit harder for her.
Secondly, it tends to be my only me-time. I turn my iPod up as loud as it can go, set it to shuffle and sink into a warm blanket of bass. Living in a flat means there's always someone around. Sometimes this is awesome, and sometimes you wish you had 5 minutes alone. So I go grocery shopping.
Poor old Nats has accompanied me once or twice and never will again I don't think! I guess because I'm now used to doing it by myself, I have my little routine and I like to get through it quickly, while Nats likes to browse, and fair enough too! In the end though, I get frustrated at waiting, Nats gets frustrated at rushing - sorry Nats! It has become apparent that I've turned into a grocery shopping monster.
It's like a challenge to see how cheaply I can do it or what bargains I can find. I'm really quick at it too, because as lame as it is, I know the local store like the back of my hand. And so that is my now non-secret guilty pleasure. What's yours? Do you love or loath the grocery store? Do you have any odd guilty pleasures?