
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Drifting Off...

I'm joining in with Mumra's playlist again this week and the theme is Dream Time - the songs you listen to so that can relax and fade into a marshmallow-y subconscious.

This is Little Box by the aptly named Sleepy Kid aka Johnny Barker. This is from my all time favourite relax-album, Lullabies for Macy Rose, and everyone should listen to it.

Just because it's my favourite, this is Summer Skies from the same album. It just so happens to be my favourite song from the record.

And then we have Sarah Brown, another Kiwi artist who makes awesome chill music...

...since we're on a Kiwi music roll I'll throw in some Bic Runga...

...and we'll finish it off with Anna Coddington, because she's awesome, even though this song isn't quite as sleepy as some of the others.

Sweet dreams and check out Mumra when you wake up...

Mumra Playlist