I absolutely love nail art. When I was 14 I owned yellow nail polish purely for painting the centres of daisies. I never considered myself a 'beautician-type' but when I needed some spare cash and decided nails would be a good side-income, those decorative inclinations came flooding back. A lot of my clients come especially for nail art and the chance of being one of a kind, so I do a fair bit of it on a regular basis, but what I really love are the big challenges, like a tropical island with real sand or a 3D Hello Kitty created directly onto the nail.
I didn't do anything spectacular on Monday but one thing that is really making me happy right now - I have real nails! Not the best thing to vouch for when I make my income from acrylics, but I am a nail biter from way back, so this is a big deal. I had acrylics on for awhile, so my nails had grown underneath. When we were in Napier 3 weeks back, I got bored and ripped them off (a BIG no-no, don't do it!). I borrowed a file from Courtney's sister and tidied them up, never expecting them to last. Although they aren't in the best condition due to how rough I am with them, I've kept them long for 3 whole weeks just by keeping chips and sharp edges filed. With nothing to pick at or play with, I ave no reason to bite them. You may scoff at the idea, but I'm super proud.
P.S. Monday was my darling Soul Buddy's 25th birthday and my nephew's first birthday, so big Happy Birthday's all round!
Animal Rights are on the Bliss List because I love my furbabies and I'm a big supporter of the SPCA. Every year at Christmas I take a stash of towels and canned food down for them, so I thought I'd do the same. I'm a terrible person because I just didn't have time. That's a shoddy excuse, because out of everything I don't have time for, I should have made time for this. I guess I can start by telling you all to go here if you want to support the SPCA. A lot of family pets became strays after the Christchurch earthquake and SPCA branches all over the country are working to rehome them, because there aren't enough people in Christchurch that are in a position to adopt right now.
On the bright side, on Tuesday I did get to spend time with Squish, because we ended up doing her nails. We also did them in our winter pyjamas, which made me very happy. Winter pyjamas are as blissful as flannelette sheets, which is a lot.
...was a big old nothing day for me. I didn't do anything spectacular as a was mid-meltdown. Unless you call meltdowns spectacular.
Oh how I love thee. I was thinking just today about London, one of our first stops when we get to Europe, and how we get to see Wicked at the West End. We're also seeing Lion King at the West End the night before we leave Europe to come home. I've already seen it in Melbourne and on Broadway. I hated the movie (Don't hate me, I just can't stand sad animal movies, which let's face it, all animal movies are) but I'm a little obsessed with the incredible spectacle that is the Lion King stage production.
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Friday needed no reason to be Blissful other than that it was the end of a very stressful week. We went to a beautiful friend's 25th birthday drinks and made it home in one piece. Saturday was not much better. Pouring rain was lovely to wake up to but didn't help my chances of getting a hungover Courtney out to a Farmer's Market. I woke up feeling like I was hungover despite being 100% sober (and not eating the Cheesecake Factory mudcake that called to me at the party) and the day took a long time to pick up. I've been a ball of stress this week and topped with the headache I carried around all day, I decided to skip Courtney's brothers Welcome Home (from two months working in Noumea) party in favour of some much needed me-time. Courts was a bit disappointed but went off with his sister to the party without me. I'm glad I stuck to my guns. I got some more packing done, a bit of writing, and a lot of relaxing. Not the kind where you sit and watch TV or read a book, but the kind where you are left to your own devices, no distractions and you get stuff done. Bliss.
Sunday Roast
After talking about missing out on Sunday Roast's the other week, I bit the bullet and made it happen. I have a big-ass chicken to go with potatos, kumara, pumpkin and mushrooms. I'm making my world famous Chocolate Mousse and Blondie is bringing Feijoa Crumble, or so I've been told. Everyone who loved roast night when we did it every week will be there, along with a few new faces. Everything I love about life will be in one room this very evening and that is enough Bliss to cover my week in it's entirety. I can't wait.
What did you Bliss-Out on this week?