We already know how much I adore David Tillinghast, my darling singing teacher. He is amazing, and he gave me the confidence to sing and sing well. David isn't the only teacher that has changed my life though...
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http://www.kiwitravelnz.com |
I remember during the summer holidays before the year I was 7, walking through the school grounds with Mum and some friends to play on the playground equipment. We peaked through the windows of Mrs Grants Room 3 and sure enough, name tags already stood proudly on each desk. When we spotted my name, that was it. Even at 7, the whole year felt full of potential, because I had the best teacher in the whole school.
That year, I got in the most trouble of my entire school career, fell in with my first 'wrong crowd', made my first best friend, saw my parents separate and my Dad move out of home. But every time something I did made Mrs Grant happy, I knew I was heading in the right direction, and to strive harder.
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http://kgortney.pbworks.com |
Even when Mr Ward was having a bad day, he didn't let that affect us. Sick of standard curriculum, he once declared it National Dry Ice Day and bought in a chilly bin full of it. Every class that day, no matter what year they were in, got to spend the whole hour playing with dry ice and watching Mr Ward make it squeal by pushing coins into it amongst other tricks and experiments. I recall him telling us how a particular chemical reaction had led to great Flying Machines when he was younger before saying "bugger it, come on guys!". He led us out the back door of the classroom, put a couple of the boys on look out lest he get in trouble, and then proceeded to climb onto the roof of his classroom and launch said flying machines, made on the spot with the materials in the classroom.
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http://meltyourfaceoff.wordpress.com |
In my final year at high school, I was lucky enough to have two of these heaven sent teachers. Mr Thomson taught us English and all blame can be attributed to him for my love of 1950's movie stars. He introduced us to Grace Kelly, Jimmy Stewart and of course their work with Alfred Hitchcock. This led me to seek out Audrey Hepburn, James Dean and films like Casablanca. When I get to Monte Carlo and stand on Avenue Princesse Grace, it will be because of Mr Thompson.
In the very same classroom, I had the honour of being taught by Miss Waugh. Miss Waugh was my Classical Studies teacher, and she ignited a flame that will never die out when she introduced me to the world of Classics. I had taken the subject because I thought it sounded interesting. Mrs Waugh though, had a passion for her subject like no teacher I've ever come across, and she passed it on to me.
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http://www.historyforkids.org |
Miss Waugh is the reason that I've decided to go to Uni next year and get my degree in Classical Studies. I won't graduate until I'm 30 and that thought alone is terrifying, but if I don't run away to lead tours in Greece, maybe I'll do a teaching diploma and grow up to be just like her. I can only hope.
Who was your best teacher at school and what did they inspire you to achieve?