Who are you and what is your life like now?
Who am I? I always find that question ridiculously hard to answer. First, because I don’t really know who I am. And second, it’s hard to break 20-something years of life into a few sentences. My name is Heather. I’m a chocolate eating, tea drinking, music listening, book reading, school teaching, Christ following, story sharing, task perfecting, cookie baking, family loving, conversation having, sunset watching, experience acquiring, ambling 20 something who is just trying to find my place in the world.
My life is pretty boring. I wake up at 6 am to shower, do my hair and makeup and get ready for the day. I get to work by 7:15, where I greet students and prepare for the day. I work with middle school-ers until the end of the school day at 2:30. I hang out for a few minutes until the hallways empty and then I head out to my car. Then it’s time to head home, unload my stuff from the day and spend some time unwinding. Then it’s homework, or cleaning, or working on a to-do list that seems never ending. Dinner, followed by Wheel of Fortune with the family some nights, then I watch a little TV. Many nights I read a chapter or two out of a book (I review books, and I just love to read). Then it’s early to bed. Some days I work at church with the high school youth group, and I’m a director for summer programming so there is often planning to do.
What would you do all day, week or year if you were living your dream life?
I would wake up head to my shop, process inventory, get things set up for the day. Work at a relaxed pace, enjoy conversing with people. I would have employees that I could delegate to, thus giving myself a little more time in my day. A little less pressure.
What would your job be?

Why would it make you happy?
It would make me happy because I love to read. I have always dreamed of what my shop would look like, what I would call it. The type of customers I would have. Promotions I would run. It would be a place that people come for refuge, for a great book, and some just for a great cup of coffee. Others will come and gather to share the art of communication, of literature. Can you picture it?!
So what's stopping you?
What’s stopping me? Well the years of amassed student loans are a big factor. It seems that money is often a hindrance to our dreams. I also know that in this economy a store like that is unrealistic. Perhaps if I lived in a tourist town, then I think it would be perfect. But I don’t I also have always wanted to be a teacher. And I know that dream is a little more realistic, although it’s still hard to find a job. The fear of failing is a huge deterrent. What if I put in a ton of time, money and energy and I fail? My store is a huge flop.
I think that many people fear failure, fear rejection. But as a perfectionist, a people pleaser, that fear can sometimes be overwhelming. It’s times like that where I realize that you can’t live like that. The fear of ______ cannot overwhelm, cannot consume, cannot become debilitating. But for now, I’m content with the career path I’ve chosen. Maybe someday you’ll be walking down a street and see a cute little bookstore/cafe, you’ll pop in and see me behind the counter, or stocking shelves. But until then I’m just going to work on living my life the best I can, loving the most I can. Because many things in life can wait, but The Sunset Won’t!
Thanks so much Heather for contributing to the Dream Life series!
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Are you living your Dream Life?