Part Two of my food diary! This is where I realised I needed to refocus. I highly recommend food diaries if you think you're eating healthy but you don't feel it, or you're tyring to lose weight and its not working! My Nutritionist always recommended them and I should have done one a long time ago...
Tuesday 8 February 2011
Breakfast - 2 slices of
Pams wholegrain toast, 2.5% sugar. 1/4 small avocado, pepper, 300ml water.
Morning Tea - 3
Real Foods Corn Thins, 0.7% sugar. 2 tsp
Philadelphia Cream Cheese, 2.7% sugar. 3/4 cup diced Watermelon. 200ml
Light Blue Anchor Milk, 5% sugar (natural lactose only, nothing added), mixed with 200ml Hot Water.
Lunch - Another serving of yesterdays Frittata, made with potatoes, broccoli, courgette, red pepper, carrot, egg, basil, salt, pepper and garlic. Also had 200ml hot milk (undiluted) as I have had chocolate cravings all day and I need to keep them at bay!
Afternoon Tea - 3/4 cup diced watermelon. 1
Nice & Natural Nut Bar (Original Flavour) 22.9% sugar (see yesterdays post for the reasons I eat these).
Dinner - Courts Chicken Burgers again because we've been doing overtime at work and these are quick and easy when we get home - 2 slices of
Pams wholegrain toast, 2.5% sugar. 75g chicken fried in Soy Sauce, which is 3% sugar. Sliced beetroot from a can, drained. 1 egg, fried (no oil). 1 tsp
Philadelphia Cream Cheese, 2.7% sugar. 1/4 Onion, fried (no oil).
Wednesday 9 February 2011
Breakfast - Same as always, Avocado and Tomato on Toast.
Morning Tea - 1 Plum. 1/2 cup
Easiyo Apricot Yoghurt, 14.6% sugar.
Easiyo makers are
awesome! So much cheaper than 'normal' yoghurt and you can stock up on packets and not worry about them going bad within a few days. Yes, the yoghurt I ate today was well above my 3% threshold - you will notice I have not been eating the yoghurt often! I promise I have a good explanation - this is the last of the packets we had stock piled from before we went sugar-free.
With a big overseas trip looming, I'm not in the business of wasting food. But I promise you when I do the shop this week I'll be buying an unsweetened yoghurt. I'll be looking for either the
Natural flavour (It's 5.5% sugar, but unsweetened, so it is all naturally occurring lactose, and I can flavour it with fruit) or one from the
Low Fat range, because they are all unsweetened. They still contain around 7% sugar (give or take) but it is naturally occurring lactose.
Easiyo also do unsweetened
Bio-Yoghurts, and, as I just found out,
Ice Cream sachets which are less
than 10% sugar. Above my 3% threshold, but within the generally recommended 10%. (Side note - half an hour after eating the sweetened yoghurt, I feel jittery and... weird. I guess its because my body is no longer used to sugar. Imagine what my body was coping with before when I was 'used' to it!)
Lunch - The last of the Frittata, made with potatoes, broccoli, courgette, red pepper, carrot, egg, basil, salt, pepper and garlic.
Afternoon Tea - 1.5 cup diced watermelon. 1
Nice & Natural Nut Bar
Dinner - OK, so we are extremely unoriginal but we had the same dinner again! Does it make a difference that its because we were using the last of the can of beetroot? Honestly, we don't normally eat the same thing for dinner every day!
Thursday 10 February 2011
Breakfast - Avocado and Tomato on Toast.
Morning Tea - 1/2 cup
Easiyo Apricot Yoghurt, 14.6% sugar. My 'normal' morning tea is corn thins with a protein topping - either tuna, cream cheese, cottage cheese, or a small amount of Edam. Courts has been helping me get lunches ready this week so he chose yoghurt.
Lunch - Last night I used the crock pot to make a mash up of whatever we had lying around. I used the last couple of tablespoons of Brown Rice, some Quinoa, Lentils, Potatoes, Kumara, Capsicums, Carrots and Beef Schnitzel. I added a can of 4-Bean Mix (3.6% sugar), a can of Peas (3.5% sugar) and a can of chopped Tomatoes (3.5% sugar but all naturally occurring, nothing added). I seasoned it with some Beef Stock powder, Garam Masala, Soy Sauce (3% sugar), salt, and pepper. Left it over night and divided it up this morning into enough for 5 lunches for the two of us. Easy!
Afternoon Tea - Its shopping night tonight so stocks are low. I've run out of
Nice & Natural Nut Bars and Nuts, so I'm having a few plums instead. 3, to be precise.
Dinner - We had a picnic at
Mercury Energy Movies by Moonlight with Wholegrain Buns (less than 1% sugar) Smoked Chicken, Tomato and Beetroot (drained).
Dessert - Erm, yes - dessert. We won VIP seats at Movies in Moonlight and the beanbags we got to sit on came with free caramel popcorn, iced tea and ice cream. I
didn't eat the popcorn or the iced tea! I wanted to, but I didn't. I did however, eat the Tip Top Vanilla Ice cream, 100ml, 19.6% sugar. Sugar-free fail! But, if I'm honest, that was the
best Ice cream I have ever eaten. And I felt very weird and jittery afterwards.
Friday 11 February 2011
Breakfast - This isn't going to change. Occasionally I have Weetbix with yoghurt
Morning Tea - To be honest, I didn't eat. Courts and I work together and so we take breaks together most of the time. He had a meeting around morning tea time (to receive a PROMOTION! Yay!!) and I waited for him before I ate but by the time he had free time it was lunch time.
Lunch - Yesterday's crock pot meal again. Smaller serving, but with a slice of Wholemeal Toast. It kind of looks like mince on toast, so I thought Id try it, and it worked.
Dinner - We had dinner with friends, roast chicken, parsnips, potatoes, carrots, garlic, salad, bacon and a very small falafel (4% sugar). I had a glass of Coke Zero with it. SO good!
OK, so some of the things I eat are above 3%, and the yoghurt and ice cream were above 10%. Generally this can be put down to using up our pantry stocks but I don't always have this excuse. I need to refocus and make sure I only buy sugar-free products. Give me a couple of weeks and I'll update you on my progress!
PS. As with all my sugar-free posts, please note I am not a nutritionist or any kind of diet or medical professional. This is my experience, doing the best I can with the information I have. If you want professional advice, I highly recommend